“The Liberty Vault,” is a permanent installation at Meow Wolf Houston. It represents an underwater mosh pit that has been preserved throughout time. The title incorporates names of some of the few Texas music venues where punk was allowed to thrive
 “The Liberty Vault” gold leaf, latex, acrylic paint, sound, color-changing lights (2024)
 “The Liberty Vault” is at Meow Wolf Houston’s permanent exhibition “Radio Wave.”
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 Work in progress
 “The Liberty Vault,” is a permanent installation at Meow Wolf Houston. It represents an underwater mosh pit that has been preserved throughout time. The title incorporates names of some of the few Texas music venues where punk was allowed to thrive

“The Liberty Vault,” is a permanent installation at Meow Wolf Houston. It represents an underwater mosh pit that has been preserved throughout time. The title incorporates names of some of the few Texas music venues where punk was allowed to thrive in the ‘80s and ’90s. 

Visitors are transported to an ocean blue floor surrounded by shimmering gold leaf, revealing glimpses of faces, figures, and patterns. An emotional rhythmic musical composition underscores the scene.

The installation invites viewers to witness a space where marginalized voices dance freely, inventing new realms of expression.

 “The Liberty Vault” gold leaf, latex, acrylic paint, sound, color-changing lights (2024)

“The Liberty Vault” gold leaf, latex, acrylic paint, sound, color-changing lights (2024)

 “The Liberty Vault” is at Meow Wolf Houston’s permanent exhibition “Radio Wave.”

“The Liberty Vault” is at Meow Wolf Houston’s permanent exhibition “Radio Wave.”

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 Work in progress

Work in progress